
Unleashing the Age Conundrum: Exploring Retirement Timing and Financial Considerations

By |2023-07-05T12:44:28-05:00June 27th, 2023|Retirement, The Blog @JGUA|

Does Age Matter? The most frequent question that gets asked is, when is the best time to retire? The current average retirement age in the United States is 62.3 years for women and 64.6 years for men. The age that you do end up retiring will affect your finances. Determining the right age for [...]

Pre-Retirement: More Questions Than Answers

By |2023-06-20T06:36:29-05:00June 20th, 2023|Retirement, The Blog @JGUA|

Retirement is a process, not an event. There needs to be planning, preparation, adjustments and monitoring. Aside from the financial aspect, there is also a mental preparation that needs to happen, and most individuals do not plan for this part. Ultimately, the goal is to retire TO something, not FROM something. What am I [...]

Aging in Place: Independence, Comfort & Community Support

By |2023-11-20T14:23:35-05:00May 30th, 2023|Retirement, The Blog @JGUA|

On a daily basis, I seem to be having conversations my clients, my own family members and friends about ageing. My baby boomer Mother is constantly lamenting about her various woes and fears as she edges towards her golden years. The general theme amongst many I know is avoidance, fear and talk of taking [...]

How to Protect Your Identity: A Guide to Safeguarding Your Financial Future

By |2023-06-07T09:38:24-05:00May 26th, 2023|Retirement, Starting Out, The Blog @JGUA|

The 21st century has ushered in a digital revolution that has made our lives more connected and convenient than ever before. In the age of Internet banking, online shopping, and digital currencies, we've embraced a new level of accessibility to our finances. However, as our lives become increasingly entwined with the digital world, the [...]

Laid Off: How to Respond With Confidence

By |2023-04-25T09:56:38-05:00April 25th, 2023|Retirement, Starting Out, The Blog @JGUA|

My dad spent his working career as a salesman for several notable companies in the grocery industry. 25 years ago company management decided their sales force was costing them too much and over several years cut it in half. My dad survived several rounds of layoffs but eventually his boss came to him with [...]

The Financial Bucket List

By |2023-04-04T07:55:11-05:00April 4th, 2023|Retirement, Starting Out, The Blog @JGUA|

Do you have a Bucket List of experiences you want to have during life?  Many of us do. I am on a flight to Hawaii as I write this to fulfill one life adventure on my bucket list. What is on your bucket list? Checking items off bucket lists does not magically happen unless we [...]

SECURE 2.0, What’s in it for You?

By |2023-02-28T11:30:28-05:00February 28th, 2023|Retirement, The Blog @JGUA|

On December 29 2022, President Biden signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023, funding Federal Government operations through September of 2023. Of the 4000 plus pages of the bill, 130 pages dealt with the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022. SECURE 2.0 is an enhancement of the original SECURE Act of 2019 that dramatically changed retirement and [...]

How to Demonstrate Your Love

By |2023-02-14T09:53:38-05:00February 14th, 2023|Charitable Giving, Retirement, The Blog @JGUA|

I’m a sucker for musicals. In “Fiddler on the Roof” Tevye laments his three daughter’s choosing their own marriage partner verses a traditional marriage arranged by the parents. In discussing this new world with his wife, he asks Golde “Do you love me?” Her response is classic “DO I WHAT?” He asks again and she [...]

Does Your Retirement Plan Optimize These New Social Security Updates?

By |2023-01-31T11:29:54-05:00January 31st, 2023|Retirement, The Blog @JGUA|

As financial advisors here at JGUA, we pay close attention to new laws, regulations and government administration announcements as they may impact our client’s financial health. This includes the annual Social Security Administration update. This year there are three updates that effect those currently receiving benefits, or plan to collect benefits this year. COLA: The [...]

Medicare Changes You Can Expect in 2023

By |2023-01-17T08:57:11-05:00January 17th, 2023|Retirement, The Blog @JGUA|

A New Year brings new changes to many insurances... this includes Medicare. Whether its changes to the premiums, deductibles, and cost sharing (copays and/or coinsurance) amounts to the actual underlying coverage of services it is hard to keep up sometimes. On top of the normal changes, there are some huge changes to Medicare due to [...]

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