
What is a Roth Conversion?

By |2024-07-16T07:56:38-05:00June 25th, 2024|Investment Management, Retirement, The Blog @JGUA|

The traditional Roth IRA comes with income limits that may prevent high earners from contributing directly. For instance, in 2024, single filers with adjusted gross incomes above $161,000 ($240,000 for married couples filing jointly) are ineligible for direct Roth IRA contributions. However, there exists a legal pathway, to make Roth contributions for high earners. [...]

Navigating Market Volatility: The Impact of Politics vs. Policy on Your Portfolio

By |2024-07-16T07:47:55-05:00June 18th, 2024|Investment Management, The Blog @JGUA|

In times of uncertainty, such as the lead-up to an election, politics often dominates the headlines and conversations. During times like these, one common question is what to expect from the market as the election comes around? While an election may influence market sentiment, the primary focus when answering this question should be about [...]

A Look at the Market – May 2024 Update

By |2024-06-06T12:22:54-05:00June 6th, 2024|Investment Management, The Blog @JGUA|

The stock market had a very strong May with S&P 500 up 4.96%.  Year to Date the SPX is now up 11.30% (with dividends reinvested).  The market continues to be led by the “Magnificent 7” up 10.38% in May and 21.68% YTD. The Mag 7 ( NVidia, Apple, Microsoft, Meta, Alphabet, Amazon and Tesla) [...]

A Look at the Market – April 2024 Update

By |2024-05-06T12:46:05-05:00May 6th, 2024|Investment Management, The Blog @JGUA|

The S&P 500 had a total return of -4.1% for the month of April. This was its worst monthly return since September last year and is being driven by interest rate movements that have turned higher, once again. 10-Year Treasury Yield Increases to 4.6%. Source: Bloomberg Investors are now weighing the risk/reward scenarios from [...]

Love & Money: Navigating Financial Conversations With Your Partner

By |2024-02-13T13:17:17-05:00February 13th, 2024|Investment Management, Retirement, The Blog @JGUA|

Perhaps you saw the recent article that draws a connection between merged finances and marital bliss. Researchers at Indiana University’s Kelly School of Business compared newly married couples who kept their finances separate with couples who merged their finances. They followed these couples for two years and concluded that those who merged their finances were [...]

A Look at the Market – January 2024 Update

By |2024-02-06T11:27:19-05:00February 6th, 2024|Investment Management, The Blog @JGUA|

Mixed Sector Returns in a Strong Labor Economy The stock market was up overall in January but there were material discrepancies in performance returns from the different market sectors. The Russell 3000 index that covers the 3,000 largest publicly traded companies had a monthly performance of 1.1%. However, the market sector performances had investment [...]

Coping with Market Volatility: Building a Resilient Investment Strategy

By |2024-01-31T09:12:10-05:00January 31st, 2024|Investment Management, The Blog @JGUA|

There is an ancient story of a man who has three servants. He calls them all to him one day and announces he is going on a long trip and wants them to watch over some of his money while he is gone. To one servant he gave five coins, to another two coins, and [...]

Financially Savvy Resolutions for the New Year

By |2024-01-09T14:06:05-05:00January 9th, 2024|Investment Management, Retirement, Starting Out, The Blog @JGUA|

As the festive holidays come to an end, we look forward to the New Year. Welcome to 2024, the year in which setting financial goals will guide you toward reaching financial freedom. While everyone's definition of financial freedom is unique, there are a few objectives that can give you a solid foundation for the New [...]

A Look at the Market – December 2023 Update

By |2024-01-08T11:07:56-05:00January 8th, 2024|Investment Management, The Blog @JGUA|

Market Factors and the Year Ahead While overall interest rates dictate the price paid to borrow money, the change in interest rates have been driving stock market returns with rates having reached an inflection point this past quarter. The yield earned on 10-year Treasury bond which reached a high of 4.99% in October only to [...]

Exploring the Role of Cryptocurrencies in Modern Investment Strategies

By |2023-12-19T14:55:05-05:00December 19th, 2023|Investment Management, The Blog @JGUA|

The investment world is continuously evolving, and cryptocurrencies have emerged as a notable topic of interest. Digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are increasingly catching the eyes of investors, raising questions about their place in a well-rounded investment portfolio. This blog post explores the dynamics of cryptocurrencies as part of a diverse investment [...]

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