Holiday Financial Gift Guide
As we’re approaching the giving season, I wanted to throw out a few unique ideas for last minute financial holiday gifts. Now, when I use the term “financial gifts” I mean something that is not your typical physical gift. Here are a few thoughts I had: 1. 529 Plan Contributions – A 529 plan […]
Jolly Holiday Spending
The dreaded Holiday shopping season is almost upon us! If you’re anything like me, you don’t even think about it until the season is upon us and it’s too late. I’m a last minute online shopper! This can result in a bit too much overspending because I don’t have time to shop for deals or […]
Common Financial Failures and How to Fix Them
Almost all of us have financial skeletons in our closet. Whether we knew it was a mistake when we made it, or realized it shortly thereafter, we seem to have those “ouch” moments that we’re embarrassed to talk about. Well ladies, we can’t change the past, but we can change the future. You should never […]
Back to School Shopping on a Budget!
I remember in fourth grade, my uncle bought me these really beautiful (actually hideous, but not to my 4th grade self!) peach corduroy overalls, a white floral puffy sleeve shirt, a striped peach wool sweater to wear over it, and some brown boots to complete the outfit. I got to my first day of school […]
Five Budget-Friendly Summer Day Trips For You and Your Girlfriends
Sometimes I wish summer had 8 days of the week! To be clear, I want the eighth day to be another Saturday, NOT another Monday. I also wish I got a “summer raise” every year, where I get paid more every summer to cover the expenses of all the exciting extra adventures that always seem […]
March Money Madness
March Money Madness Hello wonder women of the world! Question: Did you get your balance sheet together in February? I have to say, I was quite proud of the beautiful layout I designed for you! Nothing like a little pink and purple to make finance funsies!! Okay, now that you’ve completed the trek through your […]
February Taking Stock: What do I have and where is it?
February Taking Stock: What do I have and where is it? Have you ever felt so overwhelmed with everything financial that you don’t know where to start? And because you don’t know where to start….you just put it off? This month, I want to help with that overpowering feeling. I want us all to take […]
Step 1: Learning to Save
Life just gets in the way! That is a phrase I often hear as an excuse for not getting something done. In fact, those words are a frequent player in my own personal bank of excuses! The same is true when it comes to personal financial decisions. There’s always going to be something or someone […]
6 Tips for Survival in This Wild World of Internet Sales
By Elizabeth K.B. DiPietrantonio, J.D. I called my Mother recently with a tone of excitement in my voice I could barely contain. I am almost positive she thought I was calling with news of a grandchild or perhaps the second coming. Alas, I simply wanted to share that I had purchased a set of hair […]
5 Ways to Save Money on Your Wedding Day
When reflecting back on your picture perfect wedding, we could assume you were caught up in the moment of love and making sure everything was perfect. Now, the wedding is over and you are able to take a step back and realize you might have gone overboard with the spending. One of our very own […]