
Are Target Date Funds a Bulls-eye or off the Board?

By |2019-02-07T09:30:46-05:00January 3rd, 2019|Investment Management, Retirement, The Blog @JGUA|

Target Date Funds Explained By Mason Jones, CFP®   Target date funds (TDFs) have been around for over two decades. These funds are meant to help investors simplify their decision-making in how to allocate and diversify their assets, especially as they get closer to retirement age. The funds are created by a specific mutual fund [...]

Is Your 457 Plan Leaving Money On the Table?

By |2019-01-10T11:44:57-05:00March 20th, 2018|Investment Management, Retirement, The Blog @JGUA|

Andrew Baron, CFP® Associate Advisor 457 plans, one of the lesser known retirement savings plans are a special kind of plan for non-profit organizations. The sponsor of the plan must be an employer that is either a state or local government entity or a qualifying 501(c)(3) organization. Federal employees are not covered under these plans [...]

IRS Contribution Limit Changes for 2018

By |2019-01-10T11:48:02-05:00November 17th, 2017|Retirement, The Blog @JGUA|

What do these changes mean for you and your retirement savings plan? Lynda Tull, Associate Advisor The IRS has announced new contribution limits for retirement savings accounts which include 401K, 403B, and most 456 plans. Changes to income limits for IRA contribution deductibility and new contribution limits for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) have also been [...]

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