
Key Medicare Information for 2023

By |2023-10-17T13:12:50-05:00October 17th, 2023|Retirement, The Blog @JGUA|

Medicare vs. Medicaid- Both Government sponsored health insurance Medicare’s beneficiaries are primarily age 65 and older or meet other exceptions. Beneficiaries have paid into the Medicare system through payroll taxes over their working life. Medicaid’s beneficiaries are low to moderate income individuals. This program is dependent on income. Premiums: Part A- Most people receive [...]

The Real Cost of Not Enrolling in Medicare When Eligible

By |2023-09-13T12:48:47-05:00September 13th, 2023|Retirement, The Blog @JGUA|

Medicare is confusing. The main Medicare coverages are Medicare Part A, Medicare Part B, and Medicare Part D. On top of that, there are also optional Medicare supplement and advantage plans. To make things more confusing, you could get stuck with a late enrollment penalty for all your main Medicare coverages. This can happen [...]

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