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April Showers Bring May flowers: Save Now to Enjoy Later

By Andrew Baron, CFP®, EA   The classic saying speaks of the beautiful flowers and warmer weather that follow the dreadful rainy season of April. Cultivating these flowers take time, but are worth the wait as a symbol of sunny warmer weather soon to come. Many of us have a similar outlook on saving, we […]

Top Ten Things We Overpay For

Ladies, I was recently going through my monthly budget to see where my money is going. As I started adding up the costs, including the sneaky ones that don’t seem like they would have a major effect on my budget, I found that I was overspending in several areas! As I’m trying to rein in […]

Saving Now to Plan for Later

By Amanda L. Herrick Smith, CFP®   Have the holidays ever snuck up on you and you realized your bank account just cannot sustain the impact of gift giving? Up goes the credit card balances and in comes the final squeeze of the cash flow! Year after year I continued to see this ongoing pattern […]

Post-Pandemic Financial Self-Care

Yes, I used the word “post-pandemic” even though the pandemic is not over yet. While about 30% of the United States population is fully vaccinated and mask mandates and social distancing seem to be disappearing, we are all still being cautious. What I wanted to talk about today is financial self-care now that there seems […]

Buying Your First Home

Written by: Amanda L. Herrick Smith, CFP® As we go into spring and the flowers begin to bloom and we have a bit more warmth and sunshine, the housing market begins to take hold in upstate New York. Being a homeowner was something that was very important to me at a young age. I grew […]

Pandemic Weddings: A Financial Revolution

Written by: Elizabeth K.B. DiPietrantonio, J.D. The pandemic has changed absolutely everything. Including the way we hold meetings, the way we work, live, communicate, travel, educate children and even for many the way we get married. A lot of people have cast aside the lavish celebrations for simple intimate gatherings, others wait -deposits on hold, […]

Why I Advocate for Pet Insurance

Did you ever read that article about a couple who almost cancelled their wedding because the future husband secretly spent over $5,000 (from his own savings) on surgery for his dog, and the future bride was furious because that meant she was going to have to downsize her wedding? How, you ask, could all of […]


By Jason D. Nickerson, CFP®, EA   I don’t know about you, but with being “locked-in” during the pandemic, I had more time for things. What things?  Well, I am not much of a TV watcher, mainly because I often regret the time I spent and start thinking of all the other things I could […]