
Explaining Student Loan Relief

By |2022-09-14T07:07:54-05:00September 14th, 2022|The Blog @JGUA|

The recent news of the Biden Administration’s Student Debt Relief Plan has generated some excitement around the otherwise dull topic of student loans. Over the past 40 years, we have seen college tuition prices triple in cost. That is even after accounting for inflation! As the price of attaining higher education became more expensive, more [...]

So You’re Thinking About Retiring

By |2022-09-14T16:12:33-05:00September 7th, 2022|Retirement, The Blog @JGUA|

Are you counting down the days, or is retirement still a nebulous concept of some far off Neverland, or are you somewhere in between. Wherever you are in your process, retirement demands answers to a host of questions. The better your answers, the more enjoyable your retirement years will be.   Why are you retiring? [...]

No Silence for Empty Nesters

By |2022-08-30T07:26:08-05:00August 30th, 2022|The Blog @JGUA|

Shhhh!  You hear that?  No?  Listen closely fellow “empty nester”, the kids are gone.  You dropped them at college, or they have moved out to start their life as an adult, and here you are, listening intently.  Is that silence you hear?  Nope, listen closer.  You can still hear the faint “cha ching” of the [...]

Creative Ways to Pay for College

By |2022-09-14T16:13:37-05:00August 23rd, 2022|Starting Out, The Blog @JGUA|

Your son or daughter received their acceptance package from college (Woo Hoo!) and the bill for school is on the way. (Argh!) Now what? How in the world do you pay for school? Here is a summary of some options to consider:   Grants or Scholarships – One of the best ways to pay for [...]

How Working With An Advisor is Like Having Financial Insurance

By |2022-08-16T08:24:28-05:00August 16th, 2022|The Blog @JGUA|

Insurance is a peace of mind agreement – generally, it is something you need to have, but hope to never use. The purpose of insurance is to act as protection against possible negative outcomes and risks you cannot afford to cover yourself. Property losses, accidents, theft, liability, catastrophic loss… these are all risks in life [...]

Avoid the Gripping Power of Fear

By |2022-08-05T07:35:39-05:00August 5th, 2022|The Blog @JGUA|

The ongoing Covid pandemic has reshaped our world unlike any other illness since the 1918 flu epidemic. While the human toll is most tragic, the pandemic has also affected our financial lives in a variety of ways. One of the most notable is the Stock Market. As the pandemic grew, medical professionals and government officials [...]

Homeowner’s Insurance – Protecting your financial future by reducing risks in the present

By |2022-07-12T07:59:05-05:00July 12th, 2022|The Blog @JGUA|

Imagine that you have decided to go buy a new couch; you know the one you want and have the money saved and ready. The day arrives and you go to the store to get the couch only to find out that the price has jumped 40%. You go ahead with the purchase, but because [...]

Consumer Awareness: Is your Cash Safe in the Bank?

By |2022-06-23T06:59:21-05:00June 23rd, 2022|The Blog @JGUA|

  With times of high volatility in the stock market and questionable stability of the economy as a whole, many individuals may start to question the safety of cash they keep in their personal banks. Remembering their history lessons of the Great Depression of 1930 (accounts were partially or fully lost, banks failed) or remembering [...]

Five Budget-Friendly Summer Day Trips for You and Your Girlfriends

By |2023-09-13T10:35:08-05:00June 7th, 2022|The Blog @JGUA|

Sometimes I wish summer had 8 days of the week! To be clear, I want the eighth day to be another Saturday, NOT another Monday. I also wish I got a “summer raise” every year, where I get paid more every summer to cover the expenses of all the exciting extra adventures that always [...]

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