
How to avoid fraud in the Covid-19 Era

By |2021-05-14T07:56:49-05:00March 12th, 2021|The Blog @JGUA|

By Brandi B. Graham, CFP®, CTFA   Fraudulent Unemployment Claims Criminals are taking advantage of the pandemic and have found new ways to steal from you.  Beware of fraudulent unemployment claims.  With the added incentive of $600 per week last summer and now $300 per week for the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation assistance, fraudulent unemployment [...]

Financial Considerations Under the CARES Act for Federal Student Loan Borrowers

By |2021-05-14T07:56:57-05:00March 8th, 2021|The Blog @JGUA|

By: Sarah E. J. Collier, J.D.   Due to the CARES Act, qualifying federal student loans are being placed in an administrative forbearance with a 0% interest rate. This was put into effect March 13, 2020, and has recently been extended through September 30, 2021. This means that during this time period, there are no [...]

Donating Enough to make it Beneficial

By |2021-05-14T07:57:07-05:00February 19th, 2021|The Blog @JGUA|

By Brandi Graham, CFP®, CTFA   With increased standard deductions, more taxpayers are finding they are no longer able to deduct cash contributions to charities on their tax returns.  Are you looking for smarter ways to maximize your charitable gifts while minimizing taxes? Read on for some strategic methods to give more effectively.   DON’T [...]

How Reputable is your Charity?

By |2021-02-17T08:04:11-05:00February 17th, 2021|The Blog @JGUA|

Giving to charity is as American as apple pie. U.S. News and World Report in fact ranks the United States as the most generous country on earth1. However, there are some unscrupulous actors out there so before you give, take a few points under consideration. First, there are many scammers more than willing to take [...]

What Activities may Affect your Medicare Premiums Down the Road?

By |2021-05-14T07:57:18-05:00January 21st, 2021|The Blog @JGUA|

By: Lynda Tull, Associate Advisor Have you heard of the IRMAA in regards to your Medicare Part B and Part D premiums? Chances are, if you have then you likely are paying these extra surcharges.   These “surcharges” or additional insurance premiums increase your regular Medicare premiums when your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) on your [...]

January Effect – Should Clichés Impact Your Investment Decisions?

By |2021-01-05T11:43:21-05:00January 5th, 2021|The Blog @JGUA|

Written by Darren Wilcox, CFP®, J.D.   Most everyone is relieved to have 2020 finally in the rearview mirror. As the calendar rolls over to a new year it brings up discussion of a stock market phenomenon known as the January Effect. For those unaware, the January Effect is essentially the belief that no matter [...]

6 Ways to Keep your Financial Health in Check During Covid-19

By |2020-11-09T12:50:01-05:00November 9th, 2020|The Blog @JGUA|

By Darren Wilcox, JD, CFP® With the fall in temperatures has come a rise in the number of COVID-19 cases, and unfortunately we are all impacted in some way by this virus. While social distancing, wearing a mask, and avoiding non-essential travel are all great ways to reduce your likelihood of contracting COVID-19, here are [...]

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