3 Strategies to Consider When Taking Your RMD’s

When you retire there are things to consider before taking your required minimum distributions. Once you have reached the age of 73 you will be required to withdraw a specific amount from your tax deferred retirement accounts. These include your employer 401(k), 403(b), traditional, SEP and Simple IRAs. Due to the Secure Act 2.0, if [...]

Key Insights to Protect You & Your Home From Deed Fraud

In today’s day and age, protecting your property has started to extend far beyond just securing the physical property. With advancement in technology, including AI, cybercrime has become increasingly prevalent and has many people worried. For this reason, adding to the list of items you need to protect from criminals is the deed to your […]

What is a Roth Conversion?

The traditional Roth IRA comes with income limits that may prevent high earners from contributing directly. For instance, in 2024, single filers with adjusted gross incomes above $161,000 ($240,000 for married couples filing jointly) are ineligible for direct Roth IRA contributions. However, there exists a legal pathway, to make Roth contributions for high earners. Here’s […]

Navigating Market Volatility: The Impact of Politics vs. Policy on Your Portfolio

In times of uncertainty, such as the lead-up to an election, politics often dominates the headlines and conversations. During times like these, one common question is what to expect from the market as the election comes around? While an election may influence market sentiment, the primary focus when answering this question should be about policy. […]

What’s Growing in Your Financial Garden?

Gardening is one of my favorite ways to spend a summer Sunday afternoon. There is something truly exciting about planting and tending towards a fabulous harvest. Growing up, I spent many summers learning from the best- my grandparents. For them, gardening was a retirement hobby, but for my siblings and me, it was a wonderful […]

A Look at the Market – May 2024 Update

The stock market had a very strong May with S&P 500 up 4.96%.  Year to Date the SPX is now up 11.30% (with dividends reinvested).  The market continues to be led by the “Magnificent 7” up 10.38% in May and 21.68% YTD. The Mag 7 ( NVidia, Apple, Microsoft, Meta, Alphabet, Amazon and Tesla) make [...]

Self Employed Tax Guide: Essential Tips for Small Business Owners

Being self-employed comes with many perks—flexibility, independence, and the satisfaction of building something from the ground up. However, it also brings significant responsibilities, particularly when it comes to taxes. For small business owners, understanding and managing taxes is crucial for financial health and long-term success. This guide will help you navigate the complexities of taxes, [...]

Graduation Season for Empty Nesters

Shh, do you hear that? It’s the newfound silence of having an empty house. Finally, freedom! With graduation season upon us, it is no doubt that many parents are gearing up for the new feel of being an empty nester. For those soon to be celebrating your child’s college graduation, it can be an emotional [...]

Am I in the Ballpark for Retirement? – 7 Key Tips to Ensure a Comfortable Future


Beyond Salary: Leveraging Employee Benefits for Financial Well-Being

In today’s job market, focusing solely on salary when evaluating a job offer is increasingly seen as a narrow approach. A comprehensive employee benefits package can significantly enhance your financial well-being and overall quality of life. This blog post delves into the myriad ways you can leverage employee benefits to fortify your financial health, beyond [...]

Financial Planning for a Future Together

Firstly, congratulations on embarking on this exciting journey! Whether you’re welcoming a fur baby, getting engaged, moving in together, or soon planning to say “I do”. These milestones signal important conversations ahead. While discussing finances might not be the most romantic topic, it’s crucial for planning your future together. When it comes to managing finances in a relationship, there [...]

A Look at the Market – April 2024 Update

The S&P 500 had a total return of -4.1% for the month of April. This was its worst monthly return since September last year and is being driven by interest rate movements that have turned higher, once again. 10-Year Treasury Yield Increases to 4.6%. Source: Bloomberg Investors are now weighing the risk/reward scenarios from “risk-free” [...]