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Who is Leading the Races in Your Investment Portfolios?

An explanation of how a few stocks can drive performance of the S&P 500 Updated on July 27, 2022 By JGUA Research Analyst Mark Abdalla, CFA Commentary by Associate Advisor Sarah E. J. Collier, JD   The past few years for the stock market have been unique in terms of circumstances, returns and volatility. At […]

Mid-2021 Market Dynamics

Written by Mark Abdalla In 2020, large Mega Tech companies drove stock market returns. In fact, 70% of the S&P index’s 18% return last year were due to Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google (aka Alphabet). This year, returns for these big tech companies have been more volatile. In Q1, they lagged the market while […]

No Pardon for Turkey

It goes without saying, that the JGUA Investment Philosophy and our hands on, personalized approach to Investment Management is incredibly valuable to the clients we have the privilege of serving. One of our differentiating factors is our belief that research and due diligence are of paramount importance and therefore these functions are kept in-house as […]