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Why a Large Tax Refund Isn’t Always a Good Thing

Why a Large Tax refund Isnt Always A Good Thing blog cover art

When I was a young adult, like many others, I enjoyed the excitement of tax time and the amount of money I would get back.  I would dream of what fun and exciting things I might do with this “extra money.”  Then, when starting my career in financial services, I learned the real truth behind […]

September 2024 Brings Effective Date for Department of Labor ERISA Fiduciary Rule

September 2024 Brings Effective Date for Department of Labor ERISA Fiduciary Rule cover art 800x800

Earlier this year, the Department of Labor issued its final language and other clarifications to the Retirement Security Rule which will become effective September 23, 2024.  This has been years in the making and aims to protect individuals in an attempt to ensure they receive unbiased advice as retirement investors. What is a Fiduciary: Before […]

Why a Large Tax Refund is Not Always a Good Thing

Why a Large Tax Refund is Not Always a Good Thing Blog Cover Art

When I was a young adult, like many others, I enjoyed the excitement of tax time and the amount of money I would get back.  I would dream of what fun and exciting things I might do with this “extra money.”  Then, when starting my career in financial services, I learned the real truth behind […]

The New Investment Strategy That You Should Consider

Have you ever heard the phrase “What’s old is new again?”  Well, if you haven’t, now you have.  To be honest, titling this article in the spirit of what it is about would likely have you scroll right by it.  Two whole sentences in and I still have you wondering what the actual topic is.  […]

No Silence for Empty Nesters

Shhhh!  You hear that?  No?  Listen closely fellow “empty nester”, the kids are gone.  You dropped them at college, or they have moved out to start their life as an adult, and here you are, listening intently.  Is that silence you hear?  Nope, listen closer.  You can still hear the faint “cha ching” of the […]

What is CWM?

Written by: Jason D. Nickerson, CFP®, EA, Executive Vice President What is CWM? Well, the first thing to answer is, what does CWM stand for?  Answer; Comprehensive Wealth Management.  We have heard this similar phrase substituting similar words, but does it still mean the same?  That may be the topic for another blog, but for […]

Complete Value

Written by Jason Nickerson, CFP®, EA Have you ever found yourself asking the question, “What am I paying for?”  That question can take many forms, but simply having the awareness to ask says something about your critical thinking skills.  I also find that in an ever evolving world of competitiveness fueled by human intuition and […]


By Jason D. Nickerson, CFP®, EA   I don’t know about you, but with being “locked-in” during the pandemic, I had more time for things. What things?  Well, I am not much of a TV watcher, mainly because I often regret the time I spent and start thinking of all the other things I could […]