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When It Comes To Your Finances, Don’t Be A Duck.

When it comes to your finances, don't be a duck - cover art

There is an old story about a kingdom of ducks. One day the king of the ducks decided to hold a conference and he called for all of the ducks to travel to the palace where he promised they would have an experience they would never forget. On the day of the conference the ducks […]

The True Cost of Do-It-Yourself Financial Planning

There are many things in life that make sense to do on your own: driving a car, getting dressed, eating, brushing your teeth, shopping for clothes. There are also activities that always are best left to professionals such as filling a cavity, setting a broken bone, or preparing a legal defense to a criminal charge. […]

January Effect – Should Clichés Impact Your Investment Decisions?

Written by Darren Wilcox, CFP®, J.D.   Most everyone is relieved to have 2020 finally in the rearview mirror. As the calendar rolls over to a new year it brings up discussion of a stock market phenomenon known as the January Effect. For those unaware, the January Effect is essentially the belief that no matter […]

6 Ways to Keep your Financial Health in Check During Covid-19

By Darren Wilcox, JD, CFP® With the fall in temperatures has come a rise in the number of COVID-19 cases, and unfortunately we are all impacted in some way by this virus. While social distancing, wearing a mask, and avoiding non-essential travel are all great ways to reduce your likelihood of contracting COVID-19, here are […]